
This article is a transcludable page for Itemcache.wdb, therefore it may only contain a few words, a tooltip, a price tag, a table, or a part of a page.
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Rows in light grey correspond to removed or replaced columns in the WDB file. - XML Structure (OpenWDB-compliant).

Name Type Description Notes
id integer Id of the row Header
length integer Row length Header
classId integer Class id of the item N/A
subClassId integer Subclass id of the item N/A
depClassId integer Unknown N/A
nameVal string Name of the item N/A
name2Val string Empty Empty since 2.4 PTR. Used to be identical to nameVal, probably designed at first for localization
name3Val string Empty Empty since 2.4 PTR. Used to be identical to nameVal, probably designed at first for localization
name4Val string Empty Empty since 2.4 PTR. Used to be identical to nameVal, probably designed at first for localization
displayId integer Display id of the item (icon, model, texture, glow) N/A
qualId integer Quality id N/A
typeBin integer Types of the item BitMask
buyPriceAmt integer Buying price of the item Player buys from NPC. 4 times sellPriceAmt
sellPriceAmt integer Selling price N/A
equipSlotId integer Equipment slot N/A
classesBin integer Ids of classes able to wear the item. BitMask
racesBin integer Ids of races able to wear the item. BitMask
itemLvl integer Level of the item. Do not confuse with reqLvl
reqLvl integer Level required to wear the item N/A
reqSkillId integer Id of the required skill to wear the item N/A
reqSkillLvl integer Level of the required skill to wear the item N/A
reqRankId integer Id of the spell required to wear the item N/A
reqSuperRankId integer Id of the SuperRank required to wear the item Relevant to city leaders, now deprecated
reqFactionId integer Id of the faction requiring reputation to wear the item N/A
reqFactionLvl integer Level of reputation with the required faction to wear the item N/A
stackUniqueMaxAmt integer Maximum amount of items worn, in bank, and in inventory N/A
stackMaxAmt integer Maximum amount of the item in a single stack N/A
stat1Id integer First stat id N/A
stat1Amt integer First stat amount N/A
stat2Id integer Second stat id N/A
stat2Amt integer Second stat amount N/A
stat3Id integer Third stat id N/A
stat3Amt integer Third stat amount N/A
stat4Id integer Fourth stat id N/A
stat4Amt integer Fourth stat amount N/A
stat5Id integer Fifth stat id N/A
stat5Amt integer Fifth stat amount N/A
stat6Id integer Sixth stat id N/A
stat6Amt integer Sixth stat amount N/A
stat7Id integer Seventh stat id N/A
stat7Amt integer Seventh stat amount N/A
stat8Id integer Eighth stat id N/A
stat8Amt integer Eighth stat amount N/A
stat9Id integer Ninth stat id N/A
stat9Amt integer Ninth stat amount N/A
stat10Id integer Tenth stat id N/A
stat10Amt integer Tenth stat amount N/A
dmg1MinAmt float Minimum first damage amount N/A
dmg1MaxAmt float Maximum first damage amount N/A
dmg1TypeId integer First damage type id N/A
dmg2MinAmt float Minimum second damage amount N/A
dmg2MaxAmt float Maximum second damage amount N/A
dmg2TypeId integer Second damage type id N/A
dmg3MinAmt float Minimum third damage amount N/A
dmg3MaxAmt float Maximum third damage amount N/A
dmg3TypeId integer Third damage type id N/A
dmg4MinAmt float Minimum fourth damage amount N/A
dmg4MaxAmt float Maximum fourth damage amount N/A
dmg4TypeId integer Fourth damage type id N/A
dmg5MinAmt float Minimum fifth damage amount N/A
dmg5MaxAmt float Maximum fifth damage amount N/A
dmg5TypeId integer Fifth damage type id N/A
resistHolyAmt integer Holy resistance amount Never used so far
resistPhysAmt integer Physical resistance amount Basically just the armor
resistFireAmt integer Fire resistance amount N/A
resistNatureAmt integer Nature resistance amount N/A
resistFrostAmt integer Frost resistance amount N/A
resistShadowAmt integer Shadow resistance amount N/A
resistArcaneAmt integer Arcane resistance amount N/A
wpnDelayAmt integer Attacking delay In milliseconds
ammoTypeId integer N/A
rangeMaxFlt float N/A
spell1Id integer N/A
spell1TriggerId integer N/A
spell1ChargeAmt integer N/A
spell1CooldownAmt integer N/A
spell1CategoryId integer N/A
spell1CategoryCooldownAmt integer N/A
spell2Id integer N/A
spell2ChargeAmt integer N/A
spell2CooldownAmt integer N/A
spell2CategoryId integer N/A
spell2CategoryCooldownAmt integer N/A
spell3Id integer N/A
spell3ChargeAmt integer N/A
spell3CooldownAmt integer N/A
spell3CategoryId integer N/A
spell3CategoryCooldownAmt integer N/A
spell4Id integer N/A
spell4ChargeAmt integer N/A
spell4CooldownAmt integer N/A
spell4CategoryId integer N/A
spell4CategoryCooldownAmt integer N/A
spell5Id integer N/A
spell5ChargeAmt integer N/A
spell5CooldownAmt integer N/A
spell5CategoryId integer N/A
spell5CategoryCooldownAmt integer N/A
bondId integer N/A
descrVal string N/A
bookTextId integer N/A
bookLngId integer N/A
bookStationaryId integer N/A
startQuestId integer N/A
lockPickMinLvl integer N/A
materialId integer N/A
sheathId integer N/A
randProperty1Id integer N/A
randProperty2Id integer N/A
blockAmt integer N/A
itemSetId integer N/A
duraMaxAmt integer N/A
itemAreaId integer N/A
itemMapId integer N/A
bagFamilyId integer N/A
totemCatDbcId integer N/A
socket1ColorId integer N/A
socket1Amt integer Unused (always 0) Unknown use
socket2ColorId integer N/A
socket2Amt integer Unused (always 0) Unknown use
socket3ColorId integer N/A
Socket3Amt integer Unused (always 0) Unknown use
spellItemEnchDbcId integer N/A
gemPropertiesDbcId integer N/A
extCostId integer Removed in 2.4
condExtCostId integer Removed in 2.4
disenchantMinLvl integer N/A
armorDmgModFlt float N/A