WoW:Chronos (AddOn)/ChangeLog

WoW AddOn Library Sub-Page

Chronos (AddOn) ยป ChangeLog


  1. Updated toc to 20400
  2. Added Spanish localization


  1. Fixed table recycling so that it isn't nilling passed argument values (only does a shallow recycle on known safe tables)
  2. Fixed t.arg typo that was causing some events not to fire


  1. Updated for Lua 5.1
  2. Converted all a1-a20 args to ... usages since it now does not create a table.


  1. Embeddable/Standalone version, reverse compatible as always.
  2. Rearanged code to be more organized, no version change.

v2.0 (Embeddable)Edit

  1. Embedable!
  2. Cleaned up OO code
  3. Removed completely unused threading (performTask) and global onupdate (everyFrame) - Backwards compatible with all other calls. If someone actually used those, let me know! I might make them optional if registered.
  4. Increased execution speed with less OnUpdate code
  5. Moved afterInit to after the chat channels have spammed their color changing.

Intermediate changesEdit

  1. Updated toc to 11000

Rev: 2789Edit

  1. REALLY fixed 'next' error. For future refrence it was incurred by removing the current key/value pair from a table while itterating over it with a for loop. Unfortunetly no one wrote this down before, so the sam problem someone else fixed was recreated on accident in an attempt to make more efficient. (CORRECT)

Rev: 2789Edit

  1. Merged the repeating and byName lists for OnUpdate efficiency. (Note: this also means scheduleByName and scheduleRepeating can no longer have the same names)
  2. Added Chronos.flushByName(name, when) - Updates the ByName or Repeating event to flush at the time specified. If no time is specified flush will be immediate. If it is a Repeating event the timer will be reset.
  3. Added Chronos.debug(booleanEnable) for debugging. This also means that the normal OnUpdate function has been shortened and is now slimmer/quicker.
  4. unscheduleRepeating and isScheduledRepeating now mirror unscheduleByName and isScheduledByName for backwards compatibility.
  5. Fixed 'next' error that was cropping up in the for loops when niling before calling a local var. (INCORRECT)

Rev: 2782Edit

  1. Fixed index number bug (INCORRECT)

Rev: 2781Edit

  1. Fixed invalid key for 'next' bug. (INCORRECT)

Rev: 2778Edit

  1. No longer requires Sea
  2. Updated TOC file loading method
  3. Made schedule calls a tad more efficient
  4. converted OnUpdate while loops into for loops for efficiency

Rev: 2777Edit

  1. Added Chronos.scheduleRepeating(name, delay, function) which calls functions (without arguments) every X (delay) seconds. Useful for simulating OnUpdate for efficency (ex delay of .1 would call the function 10x/sec). Recall this function to update the time. (ex Chronos.scheduleRepeating(name, delay) )
  2. Added the Chronos.unscheduleRepeating(name)
  3. Added Chronos.IsScheduledRepeating(name)
  4. Updated TOC to 1800