WoW:Most Used Macros

Revision as of 04:47, 9 January 2006 by WoWWiki>Solidninja

Priest Macros

1. Shield to a target's level
/script r=10;l={6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54,60};if not UnitIsFriend("player","target")then TargetUnit("player");end;t=UnitLevel("target");for i=r,1,-1 do if (t>=l[i]-10)then CastSpellByName("Power Word: Shield(Rank "..i..")");break;end;end;

2. Renew to a target's level
/script r=9;l={8,14,20,26,32,38,44,50,56};if not UnitIsFriend("player","target")then TargetUnit("player");end;t=UnitLevel("target");for i=r,1,-1 do if (t>=l[i]-10) then CastSpellByName("Renew(Rank "..i..")");break;end;end;

3. Power Word: Fortitude to a target's level
/script r=6;l={1,12,24,36,48,60};if not UnitIsFriend("player","target")then TargetUnit("player");end;t=UnitLevel("target");for i=r,1,-1 do if (t>=l[i]-10) then CastSpellByName("Power Word: Fortitude(Rank "..i..")");break;end;end

4. Shadow Protection to a unit's level (if possible)
/script r=3;l={30,42,56};if not UnitIsFriend("player","target")then TargetUnit("player");end;t=UnitLevel("target");for i=r,1,-1 do if (t>=l[i]-10) then CastSpellByName("Shadow Protection(Rank "..i..")");break;end;end

Druid Macros

1. Mark of the Wild to a target's level
/script r=7;l={1,10,20,30,40,50,60};if not UnitIsFriend("player","target")then TargetUnit("player");end;t=UnitLevel("target");for i=r,1,-1 do if (t>=l[i]-10) then CastSpellByName("Mark of the Wild(Rank "..i..")");break;end;end



-Change Action Bar Page


Macro: /script CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = X; /script ChangeActionBarPage(); Use: Replace "X" with the action bar page number, and by pressing this, it'll automatically change. Example: You have two of these, both set on the "=" on page 1 and 2, and have page 1's set to change to page 2, and vise virsa. When ever you press "=", it'll toggle between page 1 and 2.


-Sharpen weapons with stones(By Arag)


Macro: /script UseContainerItem (#,#); /script PickupInventoryItem (16); Use: Simply press a button and use a Sharpening or Weightstone. Example: Press a button, sharpen your weapon. Change the 16 or 17 to do it for a secondary weapon. For the #'s on the first line, please refer to "Understanding Location" in section 6.


-Quick Self-Bandage(by Domandred)


Macro: /target [Player Name] /script UseContainerItem(#, #); /script TargetLastEnemy(); Use: Really nice macro for duels or 1v1 pvp. You can stun/fear your enemy, press this and it'll automatically bandage you without loosing your target. Example: N/A



-Pet Attack


Macro: /script PetAttack(); Use: Sends your pet to attack. Best used with a hunter's shot skill. Example: N/A


-Pet's Target


Macro: /script TargetUnitsPet("Player"); Use: Targets what your pet is targeting. Example: N/A


-Auto Feed Pet


Macro: /cast Feed Pet /script PickupContainerItem (#,#) Use: When I played my hunter, I loved this macro. When you press this macro, it'll cast Feed pet on the PickupContainerItem. The way this works is that all you do is press it, and it'll automatically feed your pet the item in the bag/slot you specify. Example: Your too lazy to feed your pet, so you press a button and it's all done.


-Warlock fears, pet stays.


Macro: /cast Fear(Rank #) /script PetFollow(); Use: Warlock cast fear, and pet quits attacking. Good to prevent your pet from messing your fear up. Example: N/A


-Hunter Pull A


Macro: /cast Concussive Shot(); /script PetAttack(); Use: This is a macro I use for my pet, and I love it. It's great for solo. What it does is whenever you cast your Concussive shot (which activates Autoshoot), it'll send your pet to attack. Great for solo, because if your pet has the highest growl, you shouldn't get hit. Example: N/A


-Hunter Pull B


Macro: /cast Hunters Mark(Rank #); /script PetAttack(); /cast Autoshoot(); Use: This was created by NetherRelm, and also works very well. This will cast Hunter Mark on the enemy, and like mine, send your pet to attack and turn Autoshoot on. Example: N/A