WoW:API GameTooltip SetOwner
GameTooltip:SetOwner(owner, "anchor"[, +x, +y]);
Moves the game tooltip to a location based on the "owner" frame.
- Arguments
- (owner, "Anchor"[, +x, +y])
- owner
- Frame - Owner frame, which defines the element where the tooltip is centered on. A pointer to the frame is required, not the frame name itself (use getglobal() to get the pointer from the frame name).
- anchor
- String - a string that describes the anchor point as it would be set via the SetPoint() function. Anchoring meathods as follows:
- ANCHOR_RIGHT ------- SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",object,"TOPRIGHT")
- ANCHOR_TOPLEFT ------- SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",object,"TOPLEFT")
- ANCHOR_LEFT ------- SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",object,"TOPLEFT")
You can also move the tooltip by x or y, where positive x is to the right and positive y is up. Thus, negative x is to the left and negative y is down. Doesn't work if anchor is ANCHOR_CURSOR.
- Returns
- Nothing?
- Details
- This will set the owner for tooltip:IsOwned(frame). For instance, first call GameTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent). Then GameTooltip:IsOwned(UIParent) will return 1.