WoW:API GameTooltip AddLine
GameTooltip:AddLine(tooltipText [, textColor.r, textColor.g, textColor.bp, wrapText]]);
Adds Line with text to tooltip.
- Arguments
- (tooltipText [, textColor.r, textColor.g, textColor.b , wrapText])
- tooltipText
- String - string which will appear in new tooltip line
- textColor.r
- range 0 to 1 - red color value for text string
- textColor.g
- range 0 to 1 - green color value for text string
- textColor.b
- range 0 to 1 - blue color value for text string
- wrapText
- nil or 1 - Set to 1 to wrap text.
- Returns
- nothing
- Example
MyTooltip:SetOwner(TargetFrame, "ANCHOR_RIGHT"); MyTooltip:AddLine("New tooltip line", 1,1,1); MyTooltip:Show():
4-1-05: Removed the "wrapText" argument as it isn't real. There is no argument after the color with this command. I tested this extensivly when creating custum tooltips for my mod's options pane.