WoW:Item equipping
/script PickupContainerItem(bag, slot)
The basic command. Works like this:
- If no item in cursor:
- If item in bag:slot - picks up the item and puts it on the cursor.
- If no item in bag:slot - does nothing
- If item on cursor
- If item in bag:slot - switches the item in the bag:slot with the one on the cursor.
- If no item in bag:slot - puts down item from cursor into bag:slot
/script PickupInventoryItem(inventorySlot)
Picks up/puts down/switches item into the specified slot.
See InventorySlots for ids and mappings.
Multiple commands
There is a problem when executing multiple Pickup commands because they execute instantaneously on your client, which is not always synched with the server.
Therefore, follow these simple guidelines:
- Check if the cursor has an item on it and execute all your pickup commands on the same line.
if ( not CursorHasItem() ) then PickupContainerItem(...); ... end - Pickup items once, and drop them once for one macro.
Good luck!