WoW:UIOBJECT CheckButton


You can make a checkbox in WoW via the following commands:

myCheckButton = CreateFrame("CheckButton", "myCheckButton_GlobalName", parentFrame, "ChatConfigCheckButtonTemplate");

This is where you locate the checkbox relative to its parent frame. Coordinates are (0,0) is the top-left corner of the parent, so a negative y-coordinate means down and positive x-coord means right.

myCheckButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 200, -65);

You can reference the name of your Check Box either by writing it explicitly, or by making a function call. Writing it explicitly "looks prettier", but might be confusing to anyone looking at your code, as the name for it seems made-up. Note arg2 in the creation call. It is the same as what is below, but we have appended it with "Text". This is necessary, I don't know why they didn't just set it up so you can do myCheckButton:Text, but we must work with what we're given.

myCheckButton_GlobalNameText:SetText("CheckBox Name");

Here is the code to do the exact same thing, but it's not explicitly written. This is (arguably) less confusing.

getglobal(myCheckButton:GetName() .. 'Text'):SetText("CheckBox Name");

When mousing over your checkbox, you can have a tooltip appear, which is useful to describe the actions resulting from clicking the checkbox, without putting it all in the name.

myCheckButton.tooltip = "This is where you place MouseOver Text.";

Set up what happens when you click the checkbox. You can add other scripts similarly to how I have this one, you just need to change the "OnClick" to whatever else.

    --do stuff