WoW:API CreateFrame
newFrame = CreateFrame("frameType", "frameName", parentFrame);
Creates a new UI frame.
- Arguments
- frameType
- String - Type of the frame to be created (XML tag name): "Frame", "Button"... etc.
- frameName
- String - Name of the newly created frame. If nil, no frame name is assigned.
- parentFrame
- Frame - Pointer to the parent frame (getglobal("ParentFrameName")).
- Returns
- newFrame
- Frame - Pointer to the newly created frame.
- Example
Result: displays the horde and alliance insignias in the middle of the screen.
local f = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,UIParent) f:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND") f:SetWidth(128) -- Set These to whatever height/width is needed f:SetHeight(64) -- for your Texture local t = f:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND") t:SetTexture("Interface\\Glues\\CharacterCreate\\UI-CharacterCreate-Factions.blp") t:SetAllPoints(f) f.texture = t f:SetPoint("CENTER",0,0) f:Show()