WoW:API UnitBuff
Retrieve info about a certain buff on a certain unit.
buffTexture = UnitBuff(unitName, buffIndex);
- Arguments
- (String unitName)
- unitName
- The name of the unit you wish to retrieve info on
- Viable names known:
- party1-4
- pet
- target
- (Number buffIndex)
- buffIndex
- The index num of the buff to retrieve info on. Starts at 1 and goes up to (and possibly beyond) a certain number.
- The maximum numbers used by the Blizzard code are 16 for party/pet buffs, 8 for party/pet debuffs and 5 for target buffs and debuffs.
- Returns
- (String buffTexture)
- buffTexture
- The identifier of (path and filename to) the indicated buff, or nil if no buff
- Example
buff = UnitBuff("pet", i);
- Result
Retrieves the buff texture of the pets buff with the index of "i".
- Description
- Retrieve info (texture name) about a certain buff of the specified unit.
- See Also