WoW:API getn

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Lua/Libshortcut From TableLibraryTutorial of


This is used to determine the size of a table. The size of a table is discussed at the top of this page.

> = table.getn({1,2,3})         -- Lua will count the elements if no size is specified
> = table.getn({1,2,3; n=10})   -- note, n overrides counting the elements
> t = {1,2,3}
> table.setn(t, 10)              -- set our own size with setn()
> = table.getn(t)
> = table.getn({1,2,3,nil,5,6}) -- sequence ends at element 3 due to nil value at 4

Note that Lua 5.1 has switched to the # operator. #t is the replacement for table.getn(t)

 > print( #{1,2,3} )

However, it does not always behave as one might expect. Consider the following sequence:

> t = { 1, 2, 3 }
> dump (#t)
> t[1] = nil
> dump (#t)
> dump (t)
 [2] = 2
 [3] = 3
} -- table: 0x807ff70
> dump (#{ [2] = 2, [3] = 3 })

As you can see, the # operator is unpredictable in that it can return different values for tables with identical contents. The Lua 5.1 reference manual has this to say about it [1]:

The length of a table t is defined to be any integer index such that t[n] is not nil and t[n+1] is nil.

In other words, be careful with this operator if you are using tables with holes in them. If your table has all its values between [1] and [n] for some n, with no nils in that range, the # operator will return n. Otherwise its result may be unclear.

See Also
