WoW:Slash commands (old)

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Note: This alternate reference is not necessarily up to date. See Slash commands for current list.

Slash commands are hooks left by the developers that players can use to create macros or perform certain actions. Text-based chat in World of Warcraft uses slash commands. (Those familiar with IRC will feel right at home.) See also the other alternative reference List of slash commands (old).


The List of Slash Commands at one point used to be the old raw complete 'enUS' list, and before that All slash commands held that honor. Now they are the same List of slash commands (old) list. Below is the 'less raw' reference from those, that can still be much easier to read than Slash commands.

A slash command generally takes the form:

<some command> [optional text]

For instance, one might wish to send an emote to the entire chat channel. One would then type something along the lines of:

/me nods head and gazes around

The above slash command, in some games, would send the string of text to the chat channel prefaced by the character name sending the command like so:
<character> nods head and gazes around

Some useful commands[edit]

How to use Description
/invite <player_name> Invite specified player to your party assuming you are the leader or not in a party.
/kick <player_name> Uninvite specified player from your party assuming you are the leader.
/random X Y
/rand X Y
/roll X Y
/rnd X Y
Generates a random number between X and Y, if Y isn't specified, then it will generate a number between 1 and X as a system message. This is very useful to determine who's going to have the right to loot a chest or harvest a resource.
Follow currently selected player.
/who List who (what players) are online.
/afk <optional_message> Make your character go into AFK mode.
/dnd <optional_message> Put your character into DND mode.
/sit Make your character sit.
/stand Make your character stand.
/cast <spell_name> Cast the spell named. Mostly used in Macros, since the spell name needs to be exact.
Go to UI to set up Macros.
/played Reports the amount of time you've played the game with current character.
/exit Quit the game.
Logout to the character selection screen.


You can make your own text-based emote (as noted above):

How to use Description
/em <your_emote_text>
/me <your_emote_text>
/e <your_emote_text>
/em nods head and gazes around.
<your_character_name> nods head and gazes around.
<your_character_name> makes some strange gestures. (Opposing faction)

Full list of emotes[edit]

This is a complete list of the emotes as of World of Warcraft version 1.5.0, released June 7, 2005.

Command Command Command Command Command Command
/agree /amaze /angry, /mad /apologize, /sorry /applaud, /applause, /bravo /attacktarget
/bark /bashful /beckon /beg /bite /bleed, /blood
/blink /blush /boggle /bonk, /doh /bored /bounce
/bow /brb /belch, /burp /bye, /farewell, /goodbye /cackle /calm
/charge /cheer /chicken, /flap, /strut /chuckle /clap /cold
/comfort /commend /confused /cong, /congrats, /congratulate /cough /cower, /fear
/crack, /knuckles /cringe /cry, /sob, /weep /cuddle, /spoon /curious /curtsey
/dance /drink, /shindig /drool /duck /chew, /eat, /feast /eye
/fart /fidget, /impatient /flee /flex, /strong /flirt /flop
/followme /disappointed, /disappointment, /frown /gasp /gaze /giggle /glare
/gloat /golfclap /greet, /greetings /grin, /wicked, /wickedly /groan /grovel, /peon
/growl /guffaw /hail /glad, /happy, /yay /healme /hello, /hi
/helpme /hug /food, /hungry, /pizza /incoming /insult /introduce
/jk /silly /blow, /kiss /kneel /laugh, /lol /lay, /laydown, /lie, /liedown
/lick /listen /lost /love /massage /moan
/mock /moo /moon /mourn /no /nod, /yes
/nosepick, /pick /oom /openfire /panic /pat /peer
/pity /plead /point /poke /ponder /pounce
/lavish, /praise /pray /purr /puzzled /raise, /volunteer /rasp
/rdy, /ready /roar /rofl /rude /salute /scared
/cat, /catty, /scratch /sexy /rear, /shake /shimmy /shiver /pest, /shoo
/shout /shrug /shy /sigh /sit /slap
/sleep /smile /smirk /snarl /snicker /sniff
/snub /soothe /spit /stand /stare /smell, /stink
/surprised /surrender /talk /excited, /talkex /question, /talkq /tap
/taunt /tease /thank, /thanks, /ty /thirsty /doom, /threat, /threaten, /wrath /tickle
/tired /train /unused /veto /victory /violin
/wait /wave /welcome /whine /whistle /wink
/work /yawn

Semi-Categorized List of Emotes[edit]


Command Command Command Command Command Command
/bark /growl /moo /pounce /purr /roar


Command Command Command Command Command Command
/attacktarget /brb /charge /duck /flee /healme
/helpme /incoming /lost /oom /openfire /rdy, /ready
/surrender /veto /victory /wait

More Movement[edit]

Command Command Command Command Command Command
/dance /drink, /party, /shindig /chew, /eat, /feast /flex, /strong /flop /followme
/kneel /lay, /laydown, /lie, /liedown /rofl /sit /sleep /stand


Command Command Command Command Command Command
/belch, /burp /bite /bleed, /blood /bonk, /doh /crack, /knuckles /doom, /threat, /threaten, /wrath
/fart /gloat /insult /moon /nosepick, /pick /poke
/rasp /rude /snarl /spit /slap /smell, /stink
/snicker /snub /taunt /tease


Command Command Command Command Command Command
/agree /apologize, /sorry /applaud, /applause, /bravo /beg /blow, /kiss /bow
/calm /cheer /chuckle /clap /comfort /commend
/cong, /congrats, /congratulate /cuddle, /spoon /curtsey /flirt /giggle /glad, /happy, /yay
/greet, /greetings /hail /hello, /hi /hug /lavish, /praise /laugh, /lol
/love /massage /salute /smile /soothe /thank, /thanks, /ty
/wave /welcome


Command Command Command Command Command Command
/blink /bye, /farewell, /goodbye /cat, /catty, /scratch /cough /curious /eye
/food, /hungry, /pizza /gaze /introduce /no /nod, /yes /peer
/point /talk /thirsty


Command Command Command Command Command Command
/amaze /angry, /mad /bashful /beckon /blush /bored
/bounce /cackle /confused /cower, /fear /cringe
/cry, /sob, /weep /drool /fidget, /impatient /disappointed, /disappointment, /frown /gasp /glare
/grin, /wicked, /wickedly /groan /grovel, /peon /guffaw /moan /mourn
/panic /plead /pray /sexy /rear, /shake /shout
/shrug /shy /sigh /stare /surprised /excited, /talkex
/question, /talkq /tap /tired /whine /whistle /yawn
/boggle /cold /listen /ponder /puzzled /raise, /volunteer
/shimmy /shiver /pest, /shoo /smirk /sniff /tickle
/pity /scared /unused


Command Command Command Command Command Command
/chicken, /flap, /strut /jk /silly /lick /train /violin

In Wrath of the Lich King[edit]

Several new slash commands have been added as of the wotlk beta. The following are growing, but probably an incomplete list:

How to use Description
/achievements Bring up achievements window.[1]
/tokens Bring up the tokens window.[1]

See also[edit]


External links[edit]