WoW:Console variables/Complete list

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Console variables

This list has been created by using the -console tag, pulling up the console, and using cvarlist - on the login screen for Game-wide variables, and while logged into game for Character-Specific variables.

Skip to #Character Specific Variables.

Game-wide Variables[edit]

These variables are game-wide, and can be changed in the file: \World of Warcraft\WTF\

Note: This list is up to date as of 3.3.2
accountList = ""
accountName = ""
accounttype = ""
asyncHandlerTimeout = "100"
asyncThreadSleep = "0"

baseMip = "0"
bspcache = "1"
blizzcon = "1"

ChatAmbienceVolume = "0.3"
ChatMusicVolume = "0.3"
ChatSoundVolume = "0.4"
checkAddonVersion = "1"
CinematicJoystick = "0"
componentCompress = "1"
componentTextureLevel = "8"
componentThread = "1"
coresDetected = "2"

dbCompress = "-1"
decorateAccountName = "0"
DesktopGamma = "0"
detailDoodadAlpha = 

EnableMicrophone = "1"
EnableVoiceChat = "0"
enableWowMouse = "0" 
environmentDetail = "1.0"
ErrorFilter = "all"
ErrorLevelMax = "3"
ErrorLevelMin = "2"
Errors = "0"
expansionMovie = "1"
extShadowQuality = "0"

farclip = "350"
farclipOverride = "0"
ffx = "1"
ffxDeath = "1"
ffxGlow = "1"
ffxNetherWorld = 
ffxRectangle = "1"
ffxSpecial = 
fixedFunction = "0"
flaggedTutorials = 
footstepBias = "0.125"
FootstepSounds = 
forceEnglishNames = 

gameTip = "19"
Gamma = "1.0"
groundEffectDensity = "16"
groundEffectDist = "70.0"
gxApi = "D3D9"
gxAspect = "1"
gxColorBits = "24"
gxCursor = "1"
gxDepthBits = "24"
gxFixLag = "1"
gxMaximize = "0"
gxMultisample = "1"
gxMultisampleQuality = "0.0"
gxOverride = ""
gxRefresh = "75"
gxResolution = "800x600"
gxStereoConvergence = "1"
gxStereoEnabled = "0"
gxStereoSeparation = "25"
gxTextureCacheSize = "0"
gxTripleBuffer = "0"
gxVSync = "1"
gxWindow = "0"

heapAllocTracking = "1"
HeapUsage = 
HeapUsage2 = 
horizonFarclipScale = "4.0"
horizonNearclipScale = "0.7"
hwDetect = "1"
hwPCF = "1"

InboundChatVolume = "1.0"
installType = "Retail"

Joystick = "0"
lastCharacterIndex = "0"
locale = "****"
lod = "0"

M2BatchDoodads = "1"
M2BatchParticles = "1"
M2Faster = "1"
M2FasterDebug = "0"
M2ForceAdditiveParticleSort = "0"
M2UseClipPlanes = "1"
M2UseThreads = "1"
M2UseZFill = "1"
mapObjLightLOD = "0"
mapShadows = "1"
maxFPS = "0"
maxFPSbk = "30"
MaxLights = "4"
maxLOD = 
MemUsage = 
mouseInvertPitch = 
mouseInvertYaw = 
mouseSpeed = "1.0"
movie = "1"
movieSubtitle = "0"

nearclip = "0.2"

objectFade = "1"
ObjectFadeZFill = "0"
ObjUsage = 
occlusion = "1"
OutboundChatVolume = "1.0"

particleDensity = "1.0"
patchlist = ""
pathDistTol = 
perf = 
pitchLimit = 
port =  GM ability
portal = "us"
processAffinityMask = "0"
projectedTextures = "0"
PushToTalkButton = "`"
PushToTalkSound = 

readContest = "0"
readEULA = "0"
readScanning = "0"
readTerminationWithoutNotice = "0"
readTOS = "0"
realmList = ""
realmListbn = ""
realmName = ""

screenshotFormat = "jpeg"
screenshotQuality = "3"
scriptErrors = 
scriptProfile = 
serverAlert = "SERVER_ALERT_URL"
setmap = 
setrawpos =
setShadow = 
shadowCull = "1"
ShadowInstancing = "1"
shadowLevel = "1"
shadowLOD = "1"
shadowScissor = "1"
showCull = 
showDetailDoodads = 
showErrors = "1"
showfootprintparticles = 
showfootprints = "1"
showGameTips = "1"
showLowDetail = 
showShadow = 
showSimpleDoodads = 
showToolsUI = "-1"
showTutorials = 
SkyCloudLOD = "0"
SkySunGlare = 
Sound_AmbienceVolume = "0.6"
Sound_ChaosMode = "0"
Sound_DialogVolume = "1.0"
Sound_DSPBufferSize = "0"
Sound_EnableAllSound = "1"
Sound_EnableAmbience = "1"
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForOthers = "1"
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForSelf = "1"
Sound_EnableDPSEffects = "1"
Sound_EnableEmoteSounds = "1"
Sound_EnableErrorSpeech = "1"
Sound_EnableHardware = "0"
Sound_EnableMixMode2 = "0"
Sound_EnableMode2 = "0"
Sound_EnableMusic = "1"
Sound_EnablePetSounds = "1"
Sound_EnableReverb = "0"
Sound_EnableSFX = "0"
Sound_EnableSoftwareHRTF = "0"
Sound_EnableSoundWhenGameIsInBG = "0"
Sound_ListenerAtCharacter = "1"
Sound_MasterVolume = "1.0"
Sound_MaxCacheableSizeInBytes = "1048576"
Sound_MaxCacheSizeInBytes = "16777216"
Sound_MusicVolume = "0.4"
Sound_NumChannels = "32"
Sound_OutputDriverIndex = "0"
Sound_OutputDriverName = "Primary Sound Driver"
Sound_OutputQuality = "1"
Sound_SFXVolume = "1.0"
Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverIndex = "0"
Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverName = "Primary Sound Capture Driver"
Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverIndex = "0"
Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverName = "Primary Sound Driver"
Sound_ZoneMusicNoDelay = "0"
spamFilter = 
specular = "0"
spellEffectLevel = "9"
StartTalkingDelay = "0.0"
StartTalkingTime = "1.0"
StopTalkingDelay = "0.0"
StopTalkingTime = "2.0"

taintLog = 
terrainAlphaBitDepth = "8" 
texLodBias = "0.0"
textureCacheSize = "32"
textureFilteringMode = 
timingInfo = 
timingMethod = "0"
timingTestError = "0"

UIFaster = "3"
uiScale = "1.0"
useEnglishAudio = "0"
useUiScale = "0"
useWeatherShaders = "1"

VideoOptionsVersion = "0"
VoiceActivationSensitivity = "0.4"
VoiceChatMode = "0"
VoiceChatSelfMute = "0"

waterLOD = "0"
waterParticulates = 
waterRipples = 
weatherDensity = "2"
whois = GM ability
widescreen = "1"
windowResizeLock = "0"
worldMapOpacity = 
WorldPoolUsage = "Dynamic"
worldport = GM ability

Character Specific Variables[edit]

These can be found/changed in the individual char's file: \World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\AccountName\Server\CharName\Config-cache.wtfConsole variables/Complete list/Character