WoW:Chronos (AddOn)/ChangeLog
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Chronos (AddOn) » ChangeLog
- Updated toc to 20400
- Added Spanish localization
- Fixed table recycling so that it isn't nilling passed argument values (only does a shallow recycle on known safe tables)
- Fixed t.arg typo that was causing some events not to fire
- Updated for Lua 5.1
- Converted all a1-a20 args to ... usages since it now does not create a table.
- Embeddable/Standalone version, reverse compatible as always.
- Rearanged code to be more organized, no version change.
v2.0 (Embeddable)[edit]
- Embedable!
- Cleaned up OO code
- Removed completely unused threading (performTask) and global onupdate (everyFrame) - Backwards compatible with all other calls. If someone actually used those, let me know! I might make them optional if registered.
- Increased execution speed with less OnUpdate code
- Moved afterInit to after the chat channels have spammed their color changing.
Intermediate changes[edit]
- Updated toc to 11000
Rev: 2789[edit]
- REALLY fixed 'next' error. For future refrence it was incurred by removing the current key/value pair from a table while itterating over it with a for loop. Unfortunetly no one wrote this down before, so the sam problem someone else fixed was recreated on accident in an attempt to make more efficient. (CORRECT)
Rev: 2789[edit]
- Merged the repeating and byName lists for OnUpdate efficiency. (Note: this also means scheduleByName and scheduleRepeating can no longer have the same names)
- Added Chronos.flushByName(name, when) - Updates the ByName or Repeating event to flush at the time specified. If no time is specified flush will be immediate. If it is a Repeating event the timer will be reset.
- Added Chronos.debug(booleanEnable) for debugging. This also means that the normal OnUpdate function has been shortened and is now slimmer/quicker.
- unscheduleRepeating and isScheduledRepeating now mirror unscheduleByName and isScheduledByName for backwards compatibility.
- Fixed 'next' error that was cropping up in the for loops when niling before calling a local var. (INCORRECT)
Rev: 2782[edit]
- Fixed index number bug (INCORRECT)
Rev: 2781[edit]
- Fixed invalid key for 'next' bug. (INCORRECT)
Rev: 2778[edit]
- No longer requires Sea
- Updated TOC file loading method
- Made schedule calls a tad more efficient
- converted OnUpdate while loops into for loops for efficiency
Rev: 2777[edit]
- Added Chronos.scheduleRepeating(name, delay, function) which calls functions (without arguments) every X (delay) seconds. Useful for simulating OnUpdate for efficency (ex delay of .1 would call the function 10x/sec). Recall this function to update the time. (ex Chronos.scheduleRepeating(name, delay) )
- Added the Chronos.unscheduleRepeating(name)
- Added Chronos.IsScheduledRepeating(name)
- Updated TOC to 1800