Engine:UI Macro
-- Create a frame to hold mage portal icons local portalFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "MagePortalFrame", UIParent) portalFrame:SetSize(200, 300) portalFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT") portalFrame:Hide() -- Hide the frame by default -- Function to create a portal button local button = CreateFrame("Button", ADDON_NAME .. "CraftButton", frame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate") button:SetText("Craft") button:SetSize(100, 25) button:SetPoint("BOTTOM", frame, "BOTTOM", 0, 10) button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
if selectedItem then local itemName = selectedItem:GetText() if itemName then SendChatMessage("/cast " .. portalName, "SAY") end end
end) -- Create portal buttons local function CreatePortalButtons()
local faction = UnitFactionGroup("player") local portals = { {portalName= "Portal: Orgrimmar", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalOrgrimmar", faction = "Horde"}, {portalName = "Portal: Stormwind", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalStormwind", faction = "Alliance"}, {portalName = "Portal: Ironforge", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalIronForge", faction = "Alliance"}, {portalName = "Portal: Darnassus", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalDarnassus", faction = "Alliance"}, {portalName = "Portal: Thunder Bluff", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalThunderBluff", faction = "Horde"}, {portalName = "Portal: Undercity", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalUnderCity", faction = "Horde"}, {portalName = "Portal: Silvermoon", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalSilvermoon", faction = "Horde"}, {portalName = "Portal: Exodar", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalExodar", faction = "Alliance"}, {portalName = "Portal: Shattrath", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalShattrath", faction = "Neutral"}, {portalName = "Portal: Dalaran - Northrend", texturePath = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_PortalDalaran", faction = "Neutral"} } local yOffset = -10 for _, portal in ipairs(portals) do if portal.faction == faction or portal.faction == "Neutral" then local button = CreatePortalButton(portal.portalName, portal.texturePath) button:SetPoint("TOP", 0, yOffset) yOffset = yOffset - 50 end end
end -- Toggle frame visibility function local function ToggleFrameVisibility()
if portalFrame:IsVisible() then portalFrame:Hide() else portalFrame:Show() end
end -- Create a button to toggle frame visibility on minimap local toggleButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, Minimap) toggleButton:SetSize(20, 20) toggleButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Minimap, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0) toggleButton:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Hunter_BeastTaming") toggleButton:SetScript("OnClick", ToggleFrameVisibility) -- Initialize addon local addon = CreateFrame("Frame") addon:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") addon:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, addonName)
if addonName == "MagePortal" then CreatePortalButtons() end