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WoW API < SetMapByID

Set the worldmap zone by mapid.


Number - Which can be get by GetQuestWorldMapAreaID().


List of MapID's
4 = Durotar
9 = Mulgore
11 = Barrens
13 = Kalimdor
14 = Azeroth
15 = Alterac
16 = Arathi
17 = Badlands
19 = BlastedLands
20 = Tirisfal
21 = Silverpine
22 = WesternPlaguelands
23 = EasternPlaguelands
24 = Hilsbrad
26 = Hinterlands
27 = DunMorogh
28 = SearingGorge
29 = BurningSteppes
30 = Elwynn
32 = DeadwindPass
34 = Duskwood
35 = LochModan
36 = Redridge
37 = Stranglethorn
38 = SwampOfSorrows
39 = Westfall
40 = Wetlands
41 = Teldrassil
42 = Darkshore
43 = Ashenvale
61 = ThousandNeedles
81 = StonetalonMountains
101 = Desolace
121 = Feralas
141 = Dustwallow
161 = Tanaris
181 = Aszhara
182 = Felwood
201 = UngoroCrater
241 = Moonglade
261 = Silithus
281 = Winterspring
301 = Stormwind
321 = Ogrimmar
341 = Ironforge
362 = ThunderBluff
381 = Darnassis
382 = Undercity
401 = AlteracValley
443 = WarsongGulch
461 = ArathiBasin
462 = EversongWoods
463 = Ghostlands
464 = AzuremystIsle
465 = Hellfire
466 = Expansion01
467 = Zangarmarsh
471 = TheExodar
473 = ShadowmoonValley
475 = BladesEdgeMountains
476 = BloodmystIsle
477 = Nagrand
478 = TerokkarForest
479 = Netherstorm
480 = SilvermoonCity
481 = ShattrathCity
482 = NetherstormArena
485 = Northrend
486 = BoreanTundra
488 = Dragonblight
490 = GrizzlyHills
491 = HowlingFjord
492 = IcecrownGlacier
493 = SholazarBasin
495 = TheStormPeaks
496 = ZulDrak
499 = Sunwell
501 = LakeWintergrasp
502 = ScarletEnclave
504 = Dalaran
510 = CrystalsongForest
512 = StrandoftheAncients
520 = TheNexus
521 = CoTStratholme
522 = Ahnkahet
523 = UtgardeKeep
524 = UtgardePinnacle
525 = HallsofLightning
526 = Ulduar77
527 = TheEyeofEternity
528 = Nexus80
529 = Ulduar
530 = Gundrak
531 = TheObsidianSanctum
532 = VaultofArchavon
533 = AzjolNerub
534 = DrakTharonKeep
535 = Naxxramas
536 = VioletHold
540 = IsleofConquest
541 = HrothgarsLanding
542 = TheArgentColiseum